Zagłuszanie było narzędziem cenzury dla władz PRL

My chcemy wolności! Nareszcie przestaną buczeć! – krzyczeli demonstrujący poznaniacy 28 czerwca, kiedy z pasją niszczyli urządzenia do zagłuszania audycji w języku polskim, nadawanych przez zachodnie rozgłośnie radiowe.

[ENG. We want freedom! They’ll finally stop buzzing! – shouted demonstrators from Poznań on June 28, when they were furiously destroying devices used to jam broadcasts in Polish by Western radio stations.]
JUNE 1956: The Crowd Destroyed The Jammers (10.30 a.m.)
CZERWIEC 1956: Tłum zniszczył zagłuszarki (godz. 10.30)
Sławomir Kmiecik, „Głos Wielkopolski”, 28 czerwca 2011. CZYTAJ

Jamming was a tool of news censorship for the communist regime in Poland

During the Cold War era, the Soviet Union and its communist allies frequently jammed radio signals from western radio stations broadcasting into Eastern Bloc countries. This practice was often employed to suppress information being disseminated by the West and served as a form of censorship. Soviet and Eastern Bloc governments implemented jamming to control the information flow to citizens of those countries, often resulting in the degradation of the reception of radio signals.

Such efforts by the Soviet bloc to disrupt the broadcasting of Western radio stations severely hindered the people’s access to free and open information during the Cold War. Still, the communist regimes could not stop millions behind the iron curtain from listening to Western broadcasts despite extremely poor reception. The most severe jamming was directed against Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.


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